Celebrate Recovery

Check out the official Celebrate Recovery Sheridan website for more details:


Though it is sometimes difficult for us to admit, we have all lived less than perfect lives. Our good intentions have failed us again and again as we have hurt people, hurt ourselves and are often left feeling that we are failures as Christians or even as human beings. No matter what your hurts, habits or hang-ups may be, there is HOPE! CR offers a safe, welcoming, grace-filled, Christ-centered fellowship.  At CR you will find many who are dealing with struggles similar to your own.  You will also find a group of men and women who share your desire to be made whole. Join us each Friday night for welcoming   fellowship, lively worship, inspirational teaching and honest testimonies that will strengthen and support  you on the road to  recovery!

What types of issues are dealt with?    A wide variety of hurts, hang-ups and harmful behaviors are represented at CR. Examples include dependency on alcohol or drugs, pornography, the need to control, anger, co-dependency, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, perfectionism, broken relationships and abuse.

Is CR confidential?   Yes, CR maintains strict confidentiality.

Who are the leaders?   The leaders of CR are men and women who are in long-term recovery from similar addictions, hurts, hang-ups & harmful behaviors.

What is the format of a meeting?   CR meets every Friday at 7 PM with a time of worship, teaching or personal testimony presented to the entire CR group, followed at 8:00 by gender-specific issue groups that provide a format for open sharing. Promptly at 9:00 the group meetings end with a time of dessert and fellowship with other attendees.

Is there a cost?   CR does not charge for the ministry. Workbooks are available at the Resource Table on Friday evenings ranging in price from $6 – $18. 

Is there childcare available?   Yes, childcare will be provided from 6:45 – 9:00 PM.  

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Celebrate Recovery
Phone: 307.672.8126