Church Life Weekly || December 12
Today’s Message: “Advent: Joy!”
New to Cornerstone? Looking for more information? Let us know here. Also, we have a small gift for you at the information booth in the foyer. Thanks for joining us today!
Upcoming Events
December 12 – Jingle Jam, 6 PM
December 24 – Christmas Eve Carols & Communion, 4 PM & 5:30 PM (Live Stream at 4 PM)
December 26 – One Sunday Worship Service, 10:30 AM
Snow Patrol
The City of Sheridan and The Hub have teamed up to coordinate assistance for individuals and families that need help with snow removal. The are collecting names of people that need and and pairing them with nearby volunteers that are able to provide snow removal assistance. Let’s mobilize all able-bodied people to ensure that all the needs are covered!
To volunteer, contact Jamie at the Hub on Smith – 675-4961
To become a recipient, contact Sheila at City Service Center – 674-4112
Building Addition Updates
Thank you for your continuing support!
This addition will provide a children’s ministry wing, a fellowship hall, improved office arrangement, and additional meeting space.
11/21 Update: The elevator is the last major project. Our contacts assure us that it is close to ready for install. We are making and completing a punch list of the last few projects. Almost there!
We would love to have more volunteers to help with a few projects. Contact Cody for details.
Upcoming Projects:
- Touch up paint
- Scrape popcorn in offices & downstairs classroom
- General clean up
- Fall cleanup – outside
- Split rail fence between parking lot and playground
- Wash/clean windows
- Power wash concrete (sidewalks)
- Clean walls and paint mechanical rooms
- Collect rocks in front field and around back
Weekly Events
Cornerstone Kids
Kid’s Church: Kids age 4 through 5th grade will be released for Children’s Church at the end of the praise & worship time, except for the first Sunday of each month which is Family Sunday.
The theme for October is: “Custom Creation”
BOOM: BOOM is a mid-week kids program for kids age 4 to 5th grade. They meet on these Wednesdays at 6 PM.
NURSURY: The nursery is open every Sunday during the second service.
Youth & College Ministry
Jr/Sr High Youth Group || Sundays at 4:00 pm
Contact Rebekah for details.
Celebrate Recovery
CR meets every Friday night!
7 PM LARGE GROUP || Worship followed by a lesson or testimony
7 PM LARGE GROUP || Worship followed by a lesson or testimony
8 PM SMALL GROUP || Groups are gender specific and divided by topic
CHILDCARE AVAILABLE: Infant to 4 yrs | CELEBRATION PLACE: Grades K though 5th
Online Tools
RightNow Media
Every person in our church can access Biblically-based videos on topics like marriage, parenting, youth, recovery, leadership, finances and much more. All we need is your email address! Let us know here if you would like to sign up.
Connect with us online!
All songs used used by permission. CCLI License #858495